(Keep Going Series) Tip 1: Stop Pretending Everything is OK

Today kicks off my first in-depth post on my new series "11 Tips on how to keep going (even when you don’t feel like it)"  where I share some reflective life lessons over the next few weeks. Check out my last post where I list out all of my tips. Today we are focused on … Continue reading (Keep Going Series) Tip 1: Stop Pretending Everything is OK

5 Tips for Finding Inspiration In Unexpected Places

Feel like you're stuck in a rut? Not sure what to write or post? Feel like you're just writing about and posting about the same things? Lacking..... ....inspiration? Becoming (and staying) inspired is hard work. We're constantly balancing what's interesting to us and what could connect with our audience (which typically involves trying to learn … Continue reading 5 Tips for Finding Inspiration In Unexpected Places